Rhonna Farrer is one of my very favorite artists! She has started a new blog, and is kicking it off with a giveaway---209 of her fonts and digital kits (your choice!)! So go check it out, and get inspired!!!
After many years as a stay-at-home mom, I am back to teaching, as of last week. I have taken over a 1st grade class at a local elementary school. It's a wonderful school, and I am enjoying it!
Hopefully, I can get back to blogging more often once I get used to the new schedule!!!
Scoot yourself on over to Angelica Grace Design's Blog for a fAbuLoUs giveaway! The creaTive and fUnKy Angie Seaman has hit her 555th post, and is giving away a lovely piece of art.
I adore reading Angie's blog! She is always there with such positivity and grace. A talented designer and photographer, Angie is a true creative inspiration for me!!